DHR REPORT 2017 2018
2017-2018 DHR REPORT 23 Goal 6 | Human Resources Excellence In fiscal year 2016-17, approximately 10,500 tests were administered in an unproctored setting. This strategy has virtually eliminated the need for candidates to appear in-person for any part of the testing process. Candidates now can take exams at home during a designated window of time resulting in fewer candidates withdrawing from the process. Since online, unproctored testing is now used in place of interviews for IT exams, candidate lists can now be produced in 30-45 days. “Automate All Things HR” APPLICANT SCORING SELF-SERVICE SCHEDULING LIST MANAGEMENT O N L INE APPLICAT I O N S CLASS SPECIFICATIONS NEOGOV Applicant Tracking System NEOGOV TRANSITION In 2015, DHR launched and implemented a web- based application and end-to-end applicant tracking system known as NEOGOV. Through this new system, the County now has an end-to-end recruitment and selection platform with online application tracking, exam scoring, exam scheduling, and class specifications. NEOGOV eliminated the need for paper applications and navigation of four legacy systems, resulting in consistent workflows and processes throughout all 36 County Departments. Since 2015, Los Angeles County continues to develop enhancements to meet the needs of County departments, which includes the latest implementation of the list management module this past year. Through this new list management system, NEOGOV is able to refine the recruitment and selection process and incorporate all workflows into one system, thereby reducing redundancies, enhancing efficiency, and helping to promote Los Angeles County as the employer of choice. IMPROVING HIRING FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY This past year, DHR took several steps to improve the hiring process for departments across Los Angeles County. For example, DHR recently established a new Talent Acquisition Division to conduct nationwide searches for high-level positions, such as department heads, directors and executives. DHR has also taken on several new technologies and processes to streamline the County’s testing and hiring process, and improve the experience for candidates and Departments alike. Unproctored Testing In April 2012, DHR piloted technology-based unproctored testing with approximately 2,600 candidates completing the assessment. This resulted in an immediate 25-day reduction time and saved over $14,000 in test administration costs. The use of unproctored testing has steadily increased through the years.