DHR REPORT 2017 2018

LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 14 SUCCESSION PLANNING The implementation of the 2017 Succession Planning Programbeganwithroll-outoftheLeadershipEvaluation process. During this process, more than 1,000 County executive,senior,andmid-levelmanagerswereassessed to determine their leadership competency strength and succession potential. The results were favorable, with 64% being deemed ready to ascend to higher-level leadership positions. This vote of confidence shows that with diligent, focused effort, the County can grow ourownhighlycapable,diversetalentpipelineofleaders. As the Succession Planning Program progresses in its 24-month cycle, managers are now engaging in individual leadership development with an emphasis on experience-based learning. Goal 3 | Workforce Development PROFESSIONAL HR CERTIFICATION TRAINING DHR partnered with the Southern California Public Management Association (SCPMA) to provide strategic professional HR training across the County. The certification program includes four days of classroom training and is followed by the certification test administered by the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR). Since the program’s inception in 2015, 80 employees have become certified Senior HR Professionals.