DHR REPORT 2017 2018
2017-2018 DHR REPORT 11 IMPLICIT BIAS AND CULTURAL COMPETENCY TRAINING In 2017, DHR commenced an ambitious effort to develop a Countywide Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency (IB/CC) training. DHR took a multi-faceted approach to this, by collaborating with other County departments and local agencies to provide staff with in-person and online training opportunities. As of July 2018, 6,824 County employees completed the in-person IB/CC training and 36,974 successfully completed the new online IB/CC course. EQUITY SUMMIT On January 18, 2018, DHR joined forces with the Chief Executive Office and the Department of Mental Health to host the first annual Los Angeles County 2018 Equity Summit on Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency (IB/CC). This groundbreaking event brought together over 525 representatives from all County departments; including 28 department directors, executives, and key line staff, to discuss the important topics of implicit bias, diversity, and inclusion. This all-day summit was carefully designed to inspire, and provoke thought and action through its rich agenda, which included two keynote sessions and compelling panel discussions to address the goals of: 1. increasing participants’ education and management of IB/CC; 2. understanding how unconscious bias could impact our clients, co- workers, and direct reports; and 3. developing concrete IB/CC Commitments to reduce/eliminate the negative effects of implicit bias on County clients and services. The event resulted in over 160 draft IB/CC Commitments by County departments, which will serve as a centerpiece for developing departmental IB/CC action plans moving forward. EXPANSION OF DHR WEBSITE In 2015, DHR revamped and redesigned our website, hr.lacounty.gov. Our website communicates our brand, gives exposure to our services, and provides education on next steps in employment within LA County. Our website continued to evolve; in 2017, we introduced dedicated sections of the website to communicate our commitment to diversity and inclusion, as well as the accessibility of the pages within the website. We also accelerated our effort to reflect diversity in the images showcased throughout the website,withparticularemphasis on the employees featured in the Faces of LA County employee testimonials pages. Goal 2 | Diversity & Inclusion Los Angeles County 2018 Equity Summit on Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency engaged over 525 employees from all County Departments. Post Summit Meeting on April 19, 2018 with department leads and GARE representatives to finalize IB/CC Commitments. Coordinated with the Internal Services Department on a master agreement to deliver instructor-led IB/CC training to all County departments. To date nearly 7,000 County employees have received 3.5+ hours of in-person training. Launched an online IB/CC course on May 22, 2018, which introduces the fundamental concepts of IB/CC and provides practical techniques to mitigate implicit biases and improve their cultural competence. Over 16, 3400 employees have already completed this course.