DHR REPORT 2017 2018

LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 16 STRATEGIC GOAL 4 Implement dashboards to enhance organizational performance Our fourth Strategic Plan goal, developing customer dashboards, is focused on increasing the transparency in HR service delivery and enhancing the customer experience. The ultimate destination is a series of customer feedback mechanisms that drive quality improvement, and we are already well on our way. This past year, DHR has focused on leveraging external benchmarking and internal data sources o support the decision-making for our team and the County’s leaders and managers. PERFORMANCE NET DASHBOARDS DHRispleasedtoreportthatthefirstsetofthePerformance Net dashboards, “Performance Evaluation” and “Rating Distribution” were launched for Countywide access in June 2018. The Performance Evaluation dashboards offer summaries of completed, past due, and upcoming evaluations for all annual and probationary employees. The Rating Distribution dashboards provide summaries on the counts of outstanding, very good, and competent ratings given to employees. These dashboards will enable executives to monitor departmental performance evaluation completion at a glance and gain insight on how performance is rated throughout the organization. Customer Dashboards The launch of dashboards represent a significant milestone in DHR’s commitment to “automate all things HR,” and provide an intuitive and easy to use tool for workforce management and evaluation.