DHR REPORT 2017 2018
2017-2018 DHR REPORT 21 Goal 5 | Workplace of the Future LACTATION ACCOMMODATION PROGRAM The County of Los Angeles promotes and supports breastfeeding and the expression of breast milk by breastfeeding employees. Launched by DHR, the Lactation Accommodation Program ensures that all mothers get the support they need to continue breastfeeding once they return to work by designating clean and comfortable lactation rooms within all County facilities, providing reasonable break time for breastfeeding employees to pump during the workday, and training supervisors and managers on lactation accommodation regulations and resources. In February 2017, DHR launched a Countywide effort to review all designated lactation spaces and ensure that every County employee has access to a safe, clean, and accessible lactation accommodation environment. The County’s award-winning Lactation Accommodation Program has resulted in over 510 worksite lactation sites available to breastfeeding employees - a 95% increase in lactation site availability since 2012. BEST PRACTICE EMPLOYER BreastfeedLA Award CELEBRATING OUR COMMUNITY PINNACLE OF SUCCESS BreastfeedLA Award MOTHER-BABY FRIENDLY Workplace Award I’m grateful that the room is so easily accessible. It feels like they really planned for our needs. The space has comfortable furniture and a clock. The most important thing to me is that we as mothers have priority in that room. LA County New Mom