DHR REPORT 2017 2018
2017-2018 DHR REPORT 15 Goal 3 | Workforce Development CAREER PATHFINDER Developed and launched in June 2018 by DHR, the Career PathFinder is an online, interactive tool that aims to help current and prospective employees gain insights and data about their own careers and build individualized career paths. Supported by analysis of thousands of County employee records from the past 30 years, the Career PathFinder transitions this rich data into meaningful information to provide insights on: • What job titles have employees typically moved into from a specified starting position? • How did Los Angeles County employees holding a specific position get there? By making information about actual career progressions accessible, the Career PathFinder helps current and prospective employees envision the possibilities that could be available to them. It helps to remove some uncertaintyabouttakingaparticularcareerstepbybeing transparent about what has actually occurred. The Career PathFinder tool is the first of its kind in the nation, and represents a powerful leap forward in Los Angeles County’s ability to support the career-planning and personal development of our employees. DHR is proud to serve as a model to other organizations seeking to inform and inspire career planners by leveraging big data into meaningful and useful decision-making for individual employees. CAREER DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FOR UNIONS In December 2017, DHR conducted the first “It’s Your Career! Now Move It Forward!” career development training. Over 300 employees represented by the Service Employees International Union attended the event, during which County speakers and external presenters provided insights, practical strategies, and resources for planning a career. A second Career Day event was held on March 29, 2018 and attended by 250 participants. This event focused on providing County employees with tangible resources for furthering their careers, such as workshops on resume development, skills building through Lynda. com, leveraging personal and professional strengths, and navigating the County through the Career Pathfinder tool. Participant feedback from both sessions was overwhelmingly positive, and subsequent career planning events are being planned.