Our diverse workforce reflects the diversity

of the communities we serve.

Los Angeles County Equity Policy

The Los Angeles County Policy of Equity reflects and builds upon our MISSION, VISION, and VALUES, which each employee is responsible for demonstrating in both actions and words.

The values of INTEGRITY AND RESPECT lie at the heart of our Policy of Equity. All employees are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the Policy and all applicable local, county, state, and federal laws.

The purpose of this Policy is intended to preserve the dignity and professionalism of the workplace as well as to protect the right of employees to be free from discrimination, sexual harassment, unlawful harassment (other than sexual), retaliation and inappropriate conduct toward others based on a protected status. Any such conduct is absolutely contrary to the values of the County and a violation of the Policy of Equity. Such conduct may also be illegal under local, county, state, and federal law.

The County will not tolerate any inappropriate conduct based on a protected status even if it does not meet the legal definition of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Any conduct deemed to be a potential violation of the Policy of Equity will be investigated. The County Equity Oversight Panel will review the investigations and recommend appropriate corrective action.

County Equity Oversight Panel

The County Equity Oversight Panel is an independent oversight body comprised of employment law experts with the authority and responsibility for reviewing County equity investigations and making recommendations to County Department Heads concerning the disposition and discipline.

The CEOP shall meet as needed to conduct briefings on County equity investigations. The involved subject’s Department or supervising chain of command shall attend the Briefing. All applicable County employees due process, grievance and appeal rights remain intact under this Policy and procedure.

If you have questions or need additional Information, we can be reached at:

County of Los Angeles Executive Director
County Equity Oversight Panel
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple Room B-26
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213) 974-9868
Hot Line: 1-855-999-CEOP (2367)