“I am pleased to present this HR Report highlighting the evolution of the Department of Human Resources (DHR) in the County of Los Angeles and its chartered path forward to attract, develop and retain exceptional and diverse talent for our amazing organization.”

Lisa M. Garrett
Director of Personnel

2017-18 HR Report

We invite you to share in the Department of Human Resources’ (DHR) growth and accomplishments through the 2017-18 HR Report.

Over the years, DHR has moved from transactional to strategic; from mostly manual processes to the implementation of over 11 Countywide enterprise information technology systems; and from inward facing to impacting those outside of our four walls who have historically experienced barriers to employment and family self-sufficiency. Through the support of our County and community partners, we have been able to create true positive change for the community we serve.

This report highlights some of our more significant accomplishments over the past two years; outlines the progress DHR has made towards supporting our departmental mission, vision, and goals; and celebrates the employees that have taken DHR to the next level.

DHR report 2017-2018 cover